
Treading on Thin Ice here, About the ‘Greatly Hated Debate’: Is Autism a Disease, and Do We Need to ‘Cure’ it?
Dearest Autism Community:
If you feel anything like me, April has come and gone, and if you are even remotely involved with the online autism community, you are probably tired of “the argument.” There is one very hot topic that has ravaged through the autism community over the past few weeks leaving us all exhausted, exasperated and frustrated.
And I’m not even talking about vaccines!
Chances are, you already know what I’m about to mention, and as such, you know that I’m treading on thin ice here. This is an incredibly touchy subject for all of us, no matter where you stand, regarding what I call “The Greatly Hated Debate.” It is “Greatly Hated,” because we’ve all spent way too much time arguing and debating it.
It is important…
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